marți, 10 martie 2009


We're all born,but I'm not sure yet who decides whether we should be born or no,or either we choose the family we want to be born in or not.
Things aren't always simple,we always have problems,we always fight,but family is always there for you.They have to love you,no matter what you did or what you are,because it's what family is all about.Of course most of the times we fight with our parents,we 'hate' them and we can't wait to get away from them,but once we'll have our own family,we will realize a lot of things.Like why they didn't let you go out with someone that looked suspicious.The truth is I had many moments when I wished to just get away from my parents,and someday i will leave the house and move into my own,but honestly,I wouldn't trade my family for nothing on earth.I have the best sister ever.She is really a little genius,and my parents have always compared me to her.She is really smart and all,and I am really lazy.And i hated my parents because they wanted me to be like her,but i just couldn't.I'm not like her,I'm different than her.I'm exactly her opposite.The qualities she has,I don't have,and the qualities I have she doesn't have.Of course she has way more qualities than me,but I'm not jealous at her,I'm happy for her.I love her to death.i really do.And I seriously wouldn't change her for nothing in this world.
We are all born to love.Everybody has different things they like,some people like nature,some people like animals,some people like to fight agains world hunger,or they simply love people so much that they want to help as many people as they can.We all have at least one thing that we love to death.We hold on to that thing untill the day we die.Some people love to death a hobby,some people love other people,some people love art,some people love music,some people love nature.There are millions of things that we love.People are different.Everyone is different.I can assure you that you won't find two people who are exactly the same.For example I love creativity.I love being original,although I wake up sometimes that someone else had the same idea before me.I honeslty don't like people who are unoriginal,or I really don't like people who will label themselves as something even if they are not.You have to be who you are.That's the most important thing.Don't be someone you like or don't try to be someone you're not,it will never work.I still have to figure out some things at myself,even if it's very hard,but if you have someone there fopr you who is able to help you,you'll figure things out.

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