luni, 6 aprilie 2009

Taking time to look around.

It's Thursday.
You decided you want to go for a walk,
So you headed town.
You're walking on the streets full of people.
It's a beautiful sunny day.
The sky is blue,the grass is green.
People are walking next to you.
You stop.
You sit down on a bench of a bus stop.
You look around.
And you're amazed by all the things you see.
There is absolutely one things you're thinking about now,
It's just you,and the rest of the world.
No problems,no job,no stress.
You look to the right,and you see a woman,walking hand in hand with his little kid.
They are headed home after they were shopping.
You can tell the mom is happy,she has the most beautiful smile on her face.
You can also tell she's tired.She has wrinkles.
The kid is well dressed,she takes good care of him.
You can also see the kid adores his mother.He can't stop looking at her.
He askes the most silly questions,just to hear her talk.
So he can feel safe,that her mother is there.
They pass.
Next,you see a dog walking down,with his owner.
The dog is really big,and you can tell that the owner is taking good care of him.
You can also tell he's well trained.
The owner speaks to his dog in a weird language.
You don't understand it.
You just know that the dog is listening to him.
The bus came.People are trying to get on the bus.
They aren't really nice one to another.
The bus leaves.
You observe an old lady coming towards you.
You can see she is really old,
She barely has grey hair.
Her clothes are really dirty.
You feel sorry for her.
You can see that she hasn't had a proper meal for years.
She has beautiful,baby blue eyes.
You can see her kindness in them.
While she is getting closer,she smiles.
A tear streams from your eyes
You wish you could help her with something.
You smile back.
She suddenly disappears.
But her face is something you're not going to forget.

I close my eyes.
My imagination wonders from one heard story to another.
A little imagination here,and there,
And a fairytale is created in my head.
The one place,where things go as you want them to,
The one place where you can be any character you want to be.
And you always have a happy ending.
Reality is a place,where many people don't dare to venture.
They would rather hide behind someone else,
Or they would simply live in their own little world.
There are so many things that it could be said,
But I'd rather let you imagine the rest.

sâmbătă, 4 aprilie 2009


Welcome, filthy wratches of society
To make things simple, I surpass any fragment of your imagination. I'm uncensored, filthy, and totally unorthodoxed. Im addicting, mentally ridiculous, and my mouth is nastier then a fat whores gouch. Over time, my imperfections have swelled and my heart is infertile of all emotion. I live to wage war against the sane, the normal, and the accepted. I am a very powerful individual that has overdosed on ambition and peoples bullshit. To the people that understand me. I am a cipher of motivation and retribution. I'm the one person you don't want to fuck with, and to do so is a guaranteed facial. I've been through enough hypocrisy and betrayal .

To all the people that have ever betrayed me, tainted my name, or have genuinely fucked me over, here is my last message to you. You all are nothing but shit remnants in a maggots bowels, and I will applaud the day that you fall inconspicuously, meaningless to the rest of the world. Cursed, you will be, by the memories of your indiscretions and lack of wisdom. When I am towering over you, skyrocketing into atmospheres you can only look up to gaze at. You will remember. You will remember the day you sharpened your knives, loaded your guns, and lit your torches. You will remember the day you meditated your treason against me. You will remember that it was I, the one that loved you, that you nailed to your crucifix of philistinism. I nursed you caressed your wounds, and cleansed you of the same filth you smeared upon my face. I sheltered you, while you abandoned me. I upheaved your burdens, while you became one on my shoulders. While you where playing in your pool of plagiarized perfections. I have become your inevitable bane.

The one you will answer to for everything

my heart holds no respect for you, and I will see all of you freeze in the deepest pits of Dantes dream.

I am above your shit society, laws, and expectations. I am bold, beautiful, and too good to waste my time with anybody unitellectual who lacks class. I move at my pace which will nevert change for anyone or anything. I demand respect regardless of personal outlooks. All of my relationships revovle around respect and security. I refuse to lower my standards for you. And dont expect to get treated like royalty if you havent done shit to deserve it. You have to get somewhere in this world to be given the least bit of recognization, and I will be remembered. I refuse to fade to black without leaving my flaming mark in peoples minds and hearts. I refuse to sink fatally into the quicksand of forgotten idols. Sitting around. Wishing upon a dimming star will not grand you what you want. Ou have to motivate yourself in order to accomplish your wildest dreams. Go out, strut, and show the growing population that you are worth a shit. To lay and rot is inexcusable. To remain silent without pride in your work or unreasonable. We are all dormant gods and goddesses, but it is only up to you to awaken the inner deity. I am far beyond your lies. Your insecurities, and your constant issues. I would rather be intimidating then gullible. I will fight until my rib cage disintegrates from the constant willpower to succeed and overpower. I am one of the last real women in the world, and I have the urge to make every motherfuckers head implode. With nothing but eyeliner-clad eyes and overwhelming incentive to slam, I am the final defense. The final weapon. The definition of ultimate bad-assetry.

When I leave this pathetic earth, I will be laid to rest with both middle fingers presented across my chest with my eyes open to watch the world burn.

In the end, I will be feasting upon the ashes of your fallen dreams and discombobulated desires.